Winners Prayer & Business Breakfast

New Life Ministries International presents to you the 2024 WINNERS PRAYER & BUSINESS BREAKFAST hosted by our very own presiding Bishop Dr. Bishop Nelly Chikwanda.Date: Saturday, April 13, 2024Venue: Government ComplexTime: 09:00hrs to 11:00hrsAdmission: K350 per person (breakfast included)For more information please contact the following numbers via WhatsApp or Direct Call: +260977621284 / +260770805180.Additional InformationYou cannot...

Thanksgiving Sunday

With grateful hearts invite you to our Thanksgiving Sunday Service tomorrow 14th April 2024 from 9:00 to 12:00hrs at New Life Christian Centre: Zoe Branch (Plot 8665, Kamloops Road, Lusaka).This will be our first Sunday Service at our new location. And we have our very own Overseer and President, Bishop Nelly Chikwanda to celebrate with...

Salvation? Talk to Someone
Salvation, Counselling, Prayer? Share with us now, will respond as soon as possible.